Monday, May 24, 2010

Did people seek gmail because of the original hype (Invite only)?

I'm sure that helped in the beginin that was true. You were in the 'in' crowd if you had a gmail account. After that went away, the content is what kept people coming.

Did people seek gmail because of the original hype (Invite only)?
no, it was prob cuz of the space limit - - over 2gb
Reply:That sounds like a pretty ridiculous reason to get a Gmail account. I got one because of the allotted space...I don't know what other people were thinking. If they gave out a teeny bit of space but it was just as exclusive, do you think people would still want one?
Reply:i didn't go
Reply:someone invited me but i have never used my gmail account.
Reply:I don't think because of that....

Gmail is really cool I like it...

More space

no graphics

chat built in

simple and easy

your all email (from same sender organized nicely, one after another)


Many more... have a see..... by the way, I use all yahoo, hotmail, mail... but like gmail because of above
Reply:I think a lot had to do with the larger mailbox space and nice interface... less spam too. I believe it was after gmail that yahoo and hotmail upped their inbox space... use to be 2 mb!
Reply:actually it sounded better than yahoo, but i never switched, but times are a changin! a lot of things are better than yahoo, but i hate moving my stash..........dam!
Reply:space limit, and way less spam. Their spam filter is way better than yahoo's.


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