Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why gmail is down?

i have question for all of you ?

Is gmail safe to use%26gt;?

why Gmail server is down now

Why gmail is down?
gmail is good

other thing i want to mention is that sometiems ur fire wall prevents you opening check the firewall and see whther that makes any difference.

Especially this happens if ur using instituitional computers for internet as these firewalls are very strong and they may think Gmail is a porno site

so check ur fire wall settings and see whther that makes any difference
Reply:dear member,

gmail is safe but not very popular as yahoo. every provider goes down or is extremely busy so you can't access the site.

kind regards,

Reply:I like yahoo better. It's a more established company, and it doesn't go down... like gmail does. Also, Gmail claims that they have a tremendous amount of storage (1gig), but yahoo has the same. Also, a gmail account seems a little bit more childish/techie when you give it out. Yahoo is just a more mature website.
Reply:It's not down, and as for the amount of space, it says on mine:

"You are currently using 11 MB (0%) of your 2754 MB."
Reply:It is safe to use, The server maybe down as it is either Crashed or they are doing maintenance on it.
Reply:Gmail is safe to use. It's definately the best e-mail provider out there.

My Gmail works fine right now. They might be doing an update on the server your account is on. It usually works within a few minutes if down. Close your browser and open a new one. Try again.
Reply:Gmail is safe and very reliable. It actually has more than 2 and half Gigs and is increasing all the time. You can see it going up at the bottom of the screen. They are introducing new features all the time!

I've lost mail from yahoo on two occasions but never lost mail from Gmail.

I would recommend it very highly!!!
Reply:Use yahoo mail!
Reply:Yes gmail is safe, it is pretty good for storage space, and if you do have any problems, then just contact Google, try the gmail server now, as mine is working fine!
Reply:look i am from argentina and my gmail is not down and was ALWAYS safe... hope it helops.. maybe its your compouter... check... =)
Reply:It's not down


Reply:ya i hav gmail and it works damn awesome


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