Monday, October 12, 2009

Is there a program/website/service that will combine my yahoo and gmail contacts (address books)?

Does anyone know of a service/program that will take all my contacts and combine them (eliminating duplicates)?

Then I want to switch to Thunderbird so any advice would be appreciated.

Is there a program/website/service that will combine my yahoo and gmail contacts (address books)?
Quick answer, off the top of my head.

Export your contacts from Yahoo into a standard format, then import them into Gmail. Edit as necessary in Gmail. Then export from Gmail. Delete all Yahoo contacts. Import the previously exported Gmail file to Yahoo.

Thunderbird's an email client, not a webmail service like Yahoo or Gmail. I think you'd be able to download your Yahoo and Gmail stuff into separate accounts in Thunderbird, if you want to keep both email addresses.

For myself, I'm finding I like having my email web-based rather than desktop-based: I can access it anywhere, and with broadband it's easy. And Gmail is great. (I'll remain respectfully silent re: Yahoo email.)
Reply:best youre gonna get is "outlook" cause you can combine all your alerts from all your emails into one. also it will import your addresses into there i think.

or...use your existing emails and mail all your friends at once your new email address in thunderbird and get them to write you if they want to stay on your friends list. when they send you their mail u add their addies :)
Reply:You're best bet is to export your Yahoo address book and Gmail account and combine the lists in Microsoft Excel. You'll have to use sorting to find duplicates. Once you have a cleaned up list, you can import this into Thunderbird.

I don't think there is a service that would do this for you.

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